Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 Questions About the Dred Scott Case

  1. When did this happen?
  2. Who was involved?
  3. What was the case about?
  4. Why was this case important?
  5. Who was Dred Scott?
  6. Where did this happen?
  7. How long did the case take?
  8. Who was on the supreme court then?
  9. Who won?
  10. How is the outcome viewed today?
  1. April 6, 1846 - March 6, 1857
  2. Dred and Harriet Scott, John and Irene Emerson, and John Sanford.
  3. Dred Scott and his wife trying to sue for their freedom.
  4. The case was important because it prvented states from banning slavery.
  5. Dred Scott was a slave from Virginia who was owned by Dr. John Emerson in Missouri.
  6. In the United States Supreme Court in Washington D.C.
  7. 11 years.
  8. John McLean, James M. Wayne, John Catron, Peter V. Daniel, Samuel Nelson, Robert C. Grier, Benjamin R. Curtis, John A. Campbell, and Roger B. Taney.
  9. Sanford.
  10. Badly for most people because it was a major setback in abolishing slavery.

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