Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Little Essay

I'm going to write about an article I read called "Humor Can Heal." The article says that laughing can help make us feel better when we are sad or sick. Laughing can help sick people get well by relaxing the muscles and easing pain. Laughter also helps exercise the heart.
I think this would work. I know that if I'm in a bad mood or having a bad day, laughing helps make me feel better. Watching a funny movie also can distract me if I'm sick.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Health Project

5 healthy foods:
  • Carrots-
Carrots are just plain healthy. They have rad vitamins like vitamin A! Without vitamin A, we would all have bad eyesight and run into walls. Carrots also help treat digestion problems. Oh, but don't go on an all-carrot diet... you'll turn orange.
  • Apple Juice-
Apple juice is another healthy food. Apple juice is healthy because it has vitamin C. Vitamin C helps prevent you from getting sick. Apple juice also can help prevent age-related diseases, like Alzheimer's and cancer.
  • Spinach-
Spinach is spinachy. It has super duper things like iron and calcium. Iron helps prevent anemia. Calcium helps form strong bones and teeth and what not. Spinach also gives you big sailor muscles like Popeye.
  • Almonds-
Almonds are wonderful. They help your skin and they help prevent cancer. Need I say more? Yep. Almonds can be pressed to make almond oil. Almond oil is magical because it can be eaten AND used for massages.
  • Kiwi-
Tired of taking your vitamins? Just eat a kiwi! Kiwis are stuffed with neato things like vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin E. Also, they have a bunch of dietary fiber. Oh, and you can eat the skin.

5 unhealthy foods:
  • Skittles-
Skittles are super sugary. They also have saturated fat and trans fat. Skittles will rot your teeth straight out of your mouth and you will have to get dentures and soak your teeth every night before you go to bed. You know, worst case scenario. But I love Skittles. Just don't eat too many of 'em.
  • Crisco-
Crisco is basically an oil turned into a solid. And yes, I mean FAT. FAT stands for Families Are Tapeworms. Oh, wait, no, that's not right... Anyway, uhh... now I lost my train of thought. It's a pretty short train, though. Not such a big loss.
  • Twinkies-
Twinkies last about a million and eight years, which means they're chock full of preservatives. Okay, so it's actually more like 25 days. Twinkies have lots of sugar, corn syrup, and shortening. I believe I already covered shortening (sorta... see "crisco").
  • Donuts-
Donuts are delicious. Everyone knows that. Everyone also knows that donuts are full of grody stuff like sugar and trans fat. Eat donuts, but only occasionally. Why? Because you'll turn into a pumpkin and break your chair, then fall through the earth all the way to China. That's why.
  • Drano-
Okay, so Drano isn't technically food. Or "food" in any sense of the word, really. Drano is meant to burn all the junk out of your drain, and will do the exact same thing to the inside of your throat and stomach. Don't drink Drano. You will die. Unless you live.

Just picture frantic, panicky sheep singing backup...

Saturday, March 12, 2011



The Giver

The Giver is a book about a boy named Jonas who lives in a futuristic society where everything is controlled. People living in the community (it doesn’t have a name) don’t know anything about things like love, fear, pain, or color. In this community, a “family unit” can have exactly two children, a boy and a girl, and the parents are matched together by the government based on how compatible it thinks they are. The government even picks what job someone gets and when someone retires.

Jonas’s best friend’s name is Asher, who got in trouble a lot. You might think, “Wow, I wonder what he did.” In their society, kids got punished for things like saying, “I’m starving” when they’re not literally starving.

When the book starts, Jonas is trying to think of the right word to describe his emotion. This may seem pointless to us, but every night at dinner, each family talks about what their feelings were throughout the day. Every house has an intercom through which the government listens to make sure nothing unusual is happening.

Jonas’s father is a Nurturer (he cares for babies) and has grown attached to a baby boy named Gabe. Gabe has trouble sleeping at night, so Jonas’s family is allowed to take him home every night.

When December comes, all the twelve year-olds are assigned their jobs in a special ceremony. Jonas is assigned the job of Receiver, the first one in years. The Receiver’s job is to receive memories from the Giver. Jonas receives memories of things like snow, war, pain, and sunshine, things that no one in his world knew anything about. Jonas’s job is very painful, and he doesn't see why he is the only one that has to deal with it.

Jonas and the Giver make a plan for Jonas to escape. When he escapes, all of his memories that he received will be released to everyone in the community and the Giver will help them deal with it.

The Giver saves up most of his food for months and sends it with Jonas to take on his journey. In the middle of the night, Jonas takes Gabe with him on his bike, and they ride out of the city. They have a lot of problems along the way. It’s freezing cold, they are out of food, and Jonas is getting very tired from pedaling the bike. Occasionally, Jonas gives Gabe memories of things like warmth, sunshine, and happiness when they get too cold. After days of travelling, Jonas sees a hill with a sled on top of it. They climb the hill and see that there’s a house at the bottom of it. Jonas puts Gabe on his lap, and they sled down the hill towards the house.

For the most part, I liked this book, but I hated the ending. You don’t find out what happens to any of the other characters, and no one really knows if Jonas and Gabe lived or died.

Friday, March 11, 2011

This Is What I Do When I'm Bored The Hobo and the Dreads by howdyhowdyhi

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Plot Diagram

Depression Essay

    Today, I am going to write about depression. I will tell you about some of the symptoms about depression. I will also talk about how to help yourself if you have depression.
    People who have depression usually show multiple signs. Constantly feeling sad or worthless, feeling pessimistic, losing interest, being constantly tired, losing concentration, being forgetful or irritable, having sleeping problems, eating too much or not enough, and thoughts of suicide are some of them. People who have depression usually show five or more of these symptoms.
    If you have depression, there are things you can do to help yourself. Don’t set goals that are too difficult, expect too much of yourself in a short amount of time, make drastic decisions, or let yourself think negatively, and don’t expect your depression to go away without professional help. Breaking up work into smaller tasks, being around other people, exercising, doing something fun, or going to church can help.
    Depression does not only affect one person, it also affects family and friends. Depression does not go away without treatment, so if you think you have depression, get help.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Eclair Squares

What you need:
  • 1 box of honey graham crackers
  • 2 small boxes of instant vanilla pudding
  • 3 cups cold milk
  • 1 small cool whip
  • 6 tablespoons cocoa
  • 5 tablespoons butter
  • 4 tablespoons of love
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix pudding, milk, and cool whip in a bowl.

To mix the glaze, melt the butter, add the rest of the ingredients, and mix.

Make sure you do this right before you plan to pour it on top of the eclairs, so it will be warm.

In the pan, put...
graham crackers
1/2 of pudding mix
graham crackers
rest of pudding mix
graham crackers

Refrigerate for at least 3 hours and enjoy!