Friday, March 11, 2011

Depression Essay

    Today, I am going to write about depression. I will tell you about some of the symptoms about depression. I will also talk about how to help yourself if you have depression.
    People who have depression usually show multiple signs. Constantly feeling sad or worthless, feeling pessimistic, losing interest, being constantly tired, losing concentration, being forgetful or irritable, having sleeping problems, eating too much or not enough, and thoughts of suicide are some of them. People who have depression usually show five or more of these symptoms.
    If you have depression, there are things you can do to help yourself. Don’t set goals that are too difficult, expect too much of yourself in a short amount of time, make drastic decisions, or let yourself think negatively, and don’t expect your depression to go away without professional help. Breaking up work into smaller tasks, being around other people, exercising, doing something fun, or going to church can help.
    Depression does not only affect one person, it also affects family and friends. Depression does not go away without treatment, so if you think you have depression, get help.

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